Friday, April 17, 2009

Playing Away Games

In all sporting events there are games to be played. Two teams battle it out in fierce competition to decide who is superior. However these teams are not always teams. Some sporting events include just two combatants. Take the gladiators for example. Fight to the death for the glory of the Emperor, or in my case, Empress.

Lately it feels like I am a gladiator in a foreign land were I compete against others from the Empress' land. Always playing away games. At least until Friday rolls around. Friday is my day. My day to play at home and show my fans what I can really do. To show everyone I am capable, especially the Empress.

For the most part I have catch up as it seems I have been losing away games by default. So much lost time to be made up in one day seems almost completely unfair. However unfair the situation my commitment to winning this series will not be swayed. Even should my opponent manage to slay me I will walk away tall with my pride intact and my heart wounded. For my Empress, everything, and anything is worth it for that single Friday.

"take a risk. come take it on me. believe i'm a sure thing.
all or nothing now and i would not trade you for anything." -Set Your Goals - To be continued...

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